Employment Services

Integrating Supports Colorado (ISC) assists individuals with all types of disabilities (cross-disability). by providing quality business services to local companies, ISC is also providing employment, training, and job placement services. We also offer comprehensive benefits planning and counseling for individuals who are receiving SSI/SSDI and are currently working or interested in working.

The entrance into the workforce starts here. We open avenues for increased community participation opportunities. And we push continued career exploration, job placement, and training to promote career change and growth. ISC a real-world work experience to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities or other barriers to employment.

Integrating Supports Colorado, Inc.

Supported employment services


Benefits Planning and Counseling – Integrating Supports Colorado provides personalized benefits counseling with a certified Community Partner Work Incentive Coordinator (CPWIC) so SSI/SSDI beneficiaries can make informed decisions about returning to work and how to become financially stable while not depending on your benefits.  Our counselors provide beneficiaries with the peace of mind needed to pursue their employment goals.

Career Planning – At ISC we assist individuals to gain an insight into their careers. Career planning occurs when you aren’t sure what you want to do, and what kinds of careers would be best for you. Here at ISC we start by utilizing your current strengths and experiences.

Career Development – Career development is a process that fits the situation where you may already have a job or career, and wish to progress, or develop THAT career, increasing your earning and financial power within the career choice (as a whole, not just work within an organization) in order to advance forward, toward the desired future.

Job coaching – Supporting an individual with a disability in finding “real work for real pay”, while also providing valuable services to businesses. A job coach has two customers: the individual with a disability and the employer who will hire the job seeker. These two roles require unique and different skills. A job coach must have the ability to represent the job seeker as a valuable asset to businesses while also being able to identify and facilitate the necessary supports for the individual to become a successful employee.

Integrating Supports Colorado, Inc.

Pre-Employment Transition Services for Individuals

As stated by the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), “Pre-employment transition services are provided to students with disabilities to further develop an awareness of career and education opportunities, the general skills needed for employment success in any field, and the skills needed to appropriately advocate for themselves as they prepare to exit secondary education and enter the workforce or other post-school activities.”

As a vendor of these services,  ISC works with individuals one-on-one in the following areas:

• Job Exploration
• Work-Based Learning Experiences including:
  1. Informational interviewing
  2. Job Shadowing
  3. Paid Work Experience
  4. Workplace Tours

• Counseling on Comprehensive and Post-Secondary Education Programs
• Work Adjustment Training
• Personal Adjustment Training
• Instruction in Self-Advocacy



Our Job coaches work as a team, so you know you can access the support you need. Our Supported Employment Team are also active members of APSE (The Association for Persons Supporting Employment First), an organization dedicated to real jobs for real pay for all people with disabilities.