Integrating Supports Colorado, Inc. (ISC) is dedicated to serving Coloradans with disabilities. There is a financial correlation between disability and poverty. ISC is a supported employment provider focusing on the individual to discover their path towards independence, security and financial stability.
Employment First is a philosophy that individuals with significant disabilities have the right to engage in employment at or above minimum wage in an integrated environment, which allows for meaningful interaction with co-workers without disabilities. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) defines Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE), which is the foundation of the Employment First movement. CIE is the first and preferred employment option for people with disabilities, including those with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Office of Employment First (OEF) is the lead organization in Colorado to provide training, technical assistance, communication, coordination and evaluation/monitoring on Employment First initiatives in Colorado.
The idea behind Supported Employment is the belief that every individual is capable of working competitively in the community if the right kind of job and work environment can be found. Supported Employment provides individuals comprehensive supports to work successfully in the community with local businesses. Supports include career planning and assessment, job development, on-site job coaching, and long-term assistance to maintain employment with career growth. Our staff work closely with the individual, family, and community support agencies to boost the individual’s success and independence at work and in the community.
Supported Employment Services Support:
The freedom to earn competitive wages and other benefits
Continued training and support services to improve the quality and maintain employment
Increased community participation opportunities
Continued career exploration, job placement and training to promote career change and growth
Provides discovery, on-the-job training, job coaching, and long-term job supports to individuals with disabilities receiving services in community employment. Provides business development . Acts as a liaison between client, employer, and funding source.
Desired Education and Experience
Remote – Denver Metro
Remote – Colorado Springs
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